Praise for “The Glow of Paris”

IPPY Gold Medal Award Winner!
“… a dreamy new take on the 35 bridges that span the Seine, all photographed at night.”
And more awards from …
The London Book Festival
The Los Angeles Book Festival
Amsterdam Book Festival
San Francisco Book Festival
Paris Book Festival
Who have all proclaimed The Glow of Paris – The Bridges of Paris at Night one of the best books in the photography/art category in their annual competitions.
“This book should definitely be a part of the library of any architect, historian or photographer. Simply stunning!”
— Apogee Photo Magazine
“A superb pictorial evocation of the City of Light, full of dazzling images and intriguing lore.”
— Kirkus Reviews
About the Book
Over a period of five years Gary Zuercher took his cameras out into the Parisian night to capture stunningly evocative images of the bridges that span the Seine. Using his artistic eye and sophisticated photographic technique, he created these glorious black-and-white photographs, rich with detail and possessing a clear, luminous, quality. This collection is unique, and remarkable. No one else has ever photographed all the bridges that cross the Seine in Paris in this way. We don t see crowds of people, or heavy traffic. Nothing obscures the beauty and strength of the structures
Not content to present these photos by themselves, Zuercher spent another year of painstaking research in order to chronicle the intriguing history of all 35 of the bridges.
The result; a stunning coffee table size book that has won national and international awards.